Download, print and colour a star and shine brightly as part of the interactive service.
What a wonderful time is Christmas! And the thought of Christmas and all that goes with it brings Joy, Hope, Love and Peace into our hearts. From the team at Australia Worships On-Line our hope is that will be able to come together from all around Australia to celebrate this blessed event and have contributions from many different places both here in Australia, and overseas as well. Our Christmas On-Line celebration has the theme “Follow the Star”.
That same star that adorns the many Christmas trees we see, and that features in the story of Christ’s birth, will shine a Christmas message of hope as we hear music, songs, words of hope, prayers and stories from our friends right across Australia, as well as friends across the Pacific. We will be blessed by our Apostle Mareva, we will be uplifted by the message from our Mission President, Ben Smith and we will be blessed by the fellowship of each other as we gather together to hear and share in the Christmas story.
We look for forward to this blessed event and I hope both you and your star will shine brightly this Christmas.
Robert Thompson, Minister- Australia Wide