Jnr C+ Camp - rego open!

When: 20th-23rd of April 2022

Where: Kallara Conference Centre 332 Boundary Hill Rd Boho South VIC

Register NOW!

As Community Plus hasn’t been able to have a camp for a number of years (boo Covid) there are many that haven’t had the chance to experience the Community Plus or C+ community. Jnr C+ Camp is intended to start developing relationships, connect with each other and with God and become familiar with the expectations and the space so that October weeklong doesn’t feel too overwhelming. Program designed for high school grades 7-10.

Any questions or inquires contact Kass (kunger@cofchrist.com.au ) or Alicia (aturner@cofchrist.com.au)

Pause and catch up on Christmas

Take a moment to pause and listen to a special Christmas message from Ben Smith.

Online Christmas Worships

International Christmas Worship Watch Now

Australia Wide Christmas Worship Watch Now

Lisa Yen The Hope of Christmas
Wendy Ballard The Joy of Christmas
Ben Smith What is at the Heart of Christmas

Australia Herald

Youth & Kids! Ministries from around Australia. Read More

December Christmas Herald, with shared memories of Christmas. Read More

AWOL Advent Service 7pm (AEDT), Sunday 12th December

Make sure you take note of the time change in next week's AWOL Christmas service on Sunday the 12th December at 7pm AEDT, you might also like to plan to attend the International Christmas Worship; either following AWOL on the Sunday, or early Monday morning. AWOL Advent Worship Zoom Link.

More details on the International Christmas Worship, here.

AWOL will resume on Sunday 13 February 2022

Christmas Memories

Tinsel and lights - Christmas Pudding and custard - Laughter, friends and family - Silent Night, Holy Night - Christ is born!

What images come to mind when you think of Christmas? What music or food or feelings are invoked? Think of what inspires you at Christmas time? What moves you? What do you love? What brings you Joy? What brings you Peace? Is there a particular memory you have of a past Christmas?

As a way to spread Christmas Cheer this coming season we invite you to take a moment to recall a past Christmas Memory or family tradition. Then write your Christmas Memories down and send them to me abonnefin@cofchrist.com.au by 5th December so I can include your contribution in our December Herald edition. Your words can be as little as a paragraph or two or a whole story. Photos are welcome also.

Think of this as your Christmas Card to our community.

“What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past,

courage for the present, hope for the future.” Agnes M Pahro