World Conference 2025

The 2025 World Conference Theme: Hope is Here - watch the video

  • Inspired by Acts 2:1-21, guiding our journey through the conference

  • Embracing new leadership and the prophetic spirit to which we are called


Historic Leadership Transition

  • Celebrating President Veazey's 20 years of visionary leadership

  • Considering Stassi D. Cramm as next prophet-president


Conference Details

  • Visit the website: and find legislation and schedule 

  • Online registration opening in early 2025

  • Each mission center is being invited to prioritize the 14 pieces of legislation 


Exploration Sessions

  • Online Zoom gatherings to discuss resolutions (February-April 2025)

  • Special session on Nonviolence Statement (November 11-16, 2024)

  • Free participation via Zoom 


You are invited. We hope you will be part of this exciting time in the life of the church!