Kari Sutton, announced as a speaker at the Peace Summit 2022

Kari Sutton is an educator, speaker and author who has helped over 25,000 children, parents, and educators with evidence-based strategies, tools and approaches to foster children's positive mental health and plant the seeds of resilience and emotional wellbeing in our children. She helps parents of children who worry a lot, are anxious, overwhelmed and struggle with life’s daily challenges by providing tangible strategies and insights which are immediately actionable.

Give as part of our Team

The Easter long weekend is coming up and even though many of us might be having a well-earned break, the need for blood never takes a holiday.

Many blood donors go away during the Easter long weekend, leaving Australian Red Cross Lifeblood short of donors. In fact, they need 10,000 people to book a donation over the long weekend. Can you help patients in need at Easter?

Take the Bloody Oath and give blood. Join our Community of Christ Lifeblood Team and book now at https://app.lifeblood.com.au/ZQyV #lifebloodau @lifebloodau

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New websites with great resource links

International Headquarters have launched a new www.CofChrist.org as well as a new site—OurMinistryTools—that provides church policies as well as priesthood and leadership resources.

International Headquarters staff hosted two informational sessions on the new sites. One was a general tour of CofChrist.org and OurMinistryTools.org. The second provided instructions on how to create a username and password to access OurMinistryTools.org

Watch a recording of these tutorials on YouTube.

  • Tour of New Websites

  • Create an Account on Our Ministry Tools

Contact Communications@CofChrist.org with feedback and questions.