Peace Summit & Special Mission Conference

As part of the Peace Summit event the Special Mission Conference session is planned to run on Sunday 19 June.

IMPORTANT REMINDER for Congregational and Ex-Officio Delegates:

Whether you plan to attend the whole Peace Summit weekend (and we hope you do!) or just the conference session on the Sunday you will need to register so we can keep you in the loop with all that's happening, including access to conference papers.

Save the date for Women's Retreat @ Kallara

7-9 October “Stronger Together”, Women’s Retreat @ Kallara Conference Centre

Women’s Retreat starts on Friday 7th October with Welcome at 8:30pm and supper. It concludes following Lunch on Sunday.

Costs will be $135 per person for a standard room (update: ensuite rooms are now fully allocated)

The fees cover Friday night, Saturday night - Sunday midday, and all meals.

Guest Minister will be Vera Entwistle

Saturday dinner- Dress up as a woman who represents strong to you or who you admire.

Sunday, at breakfast, we have a "Beanies for Brain Cancer" fundraiser; bring a beanie to wear at the breakfast and you will have the opportunity to donate to this worthy cause.

Following this there will be two sessions, either side of morning tea, with the retreat concluding after a midday meal together.

Contact Dianne Kent for further information:

Or register >>here now